Well, we're off to the the Ukraine. We'll be leaving Sunday, April 15, 2007. We don't know when we'll be back, hopefully within 4- 5 weeks. The two girls we are expecting to adopt should be with us. Their names are Inna and Alina they are 15 years old and are twin sisters. Basically I'm just trying out this blog site to see if I can post stuff to it. If this works I'll be posting periodically to this site while we're in Ukraine.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Finally got to an inter-net cafe.

Well, I finally got to an inter-net cafe, so I'll try and update this blog. We spend the last four days running around getting paper work done, and spending time with the girls. The paper work is maddening, but necessary. Unfortunately we're running into the May day holiday. Everyone takes most of the week off. We won't have our court date until the 7th of May, we were hoping to get it for this week. We have 10 days of a waiting period after the court date. Then it's back to Kiev to the US embassy for a security clearance for the girls and new US passports. We hope to be on the plane home by the 23 of May.

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