Well, we're off to the the Ukraine. We'll be leaving Sunday, April 15, 2007. We don't know when we'll be back, hopefully within 4- 5 weeks. The two girls we are expecting to adopt should be with us. Their names are Inna and Alina they are 15 years old and are twin sisters. Basically I'm just trying out this blog site to see if I can post stuff to it. If this works I'll be posting periodically to this site while we're in Ukraine.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Natash, our interpreter, is back. she'd gone back home to CarKiev for the last 5 days. She assures us we will be able to make our May 23 flight. But we don't know quite what to believe, sometimes I think people here tell you what you want to hear. If everything goes smoothly we should make it with a 1/2 day to spare. Today I saw two men carrying a roll of carpet down the side walk. It was probably 12 feet long and 12 - 15 inches in diameter. I don't how far they were going, I assume they had come from the Market near us. Still it's a little different from what we're used to be seeing.

1 comment:

The O'Haras said...

We are watching the updates on your blog in anticipation of what is happening....If you get a chance to take some pictures of Alyona S. (8th grade class)for us and give her a hug we would appreciate it...
Picture of who she is: